Articles on: Protosthetics Scanning App

Getting Started with the Protosthetics 3D Scanning App

Installing and Setting Up Protosthetics Apple App for iPad (Adding Practitioners)

This page describes how to install and set up the Protosthetics App by adding practitioner profile(s) to your account.

Detailed Steps

Install Protosthetics App

The Protosthetics App can be downloaded onto an iPad by going to Apple App Store and using the search feature found in the lower right hand corner (magnify glass icon).

Once inside the Apple App Store, click on the magnify glass icon which will pop up a search box.

Type in “Protosthetics” into search box and then click on the download icon (the “Get” button) next to the Protosthetics App (Fig 2).

The Protosthetics App will be found on the home screen. The app’s icon will appear dark and a circle will appear. The circle will fill in until the app is installed. Once it is complete, the icon will appear bright.

Set Up the App

Once the app has completely downloaded, click on it to open the app.

A login page will open up. Type in your email and password (Fig. 3) and click on the “Sign in” button.

You should have received an email invite to FabOne. The Login email and password from FabOne will be used here

The app’s main screen will appear, click on the menu icon (3 horizonal lines).

Click on Practitioners. This pops up the Practitioner List.

Click on the New Practitioner. This pops up a practitioner profile form .

Fill in the fields on the left side of screen. Recommended that all fields be filled in, but the required fields are marked with an asterisk (First Name, Last Name, Cell Phone, Shipping Address, and Billing Address if different than Shipping Address) (Fig. 7).

Once required fields are filled out click Save Information (Fig. 8). This will bring up a screen which summarizes all the information that was entered in (Fig. 9)
If a mistake was made, click on the edit button (the pencil icon) and fix the error. Click the Save Information button.

If there are additional practitioners you would like to add to your account, click on the back arrow icon (<) (Fig. 9) and then repeat steps 5-7.

Updated on: 20/11/2024

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