Articles on: Protosthetics Scanning App

Scanning with Color

Scanning with Color

This page we will go over the three different color scanning modes which are None, Per ertex and Texture. None is the default scanning color mode. It only captures the shape (no color). Per Vertex scanning mode will capture color and takes less processing time compared to the Texture scanning mode which captures the color and the texture of the scanned object. We recommend that you use the Per Vertex scanning color mode.

Detailed Steps:

Click on the Menu icon (the three horizontal bars in the upper right-hand corner).

Click on Settings.

Scroll down to “Scan with color” and select one of the options.

Click on the “X” to close the settings menu.

Scan as you normally would.

NOTE: if you are using Per Vertex or Texture you will need to walk very slowly around the object and follow the on-screen instructions that tells you to stop (allows the camera to capture the details of the object). You can begin walking around the object again once the message disappears.

Per Vertex scanning color mode: When you review the scan you will notice that it is in color and any markings on the object are captured.

Texture scanning color mode: When you review the scan you will notice that it is in color and the texture of the object is captured.

Scanning Color modes

Updated on: 11/11/2024

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