Articles on: Printer Preschool

Setting Your Z-Offset

As you continue Printing with Protosthetics, you'll need to know how to manage the Z-Offset on your printer.

Watch the video below, and then read on to learn more about watching for Z-Offset failures and how to resolve them.

Before we cover how to change Z-Offset, let's go over why we care about Z-Offset

If your Z-Offset is too high, the filament won't adhere to the bed and the print won't come together properly, making a large mess on the bed.

Messy Pile of Filament

If your Z-Offset is too low, the filament will get smothered into the bed, cake onto the toolhead, break the toolhead and create a huge mess to clean.

Here are some examples of the Z-Offset being too low:

Picture of too low Z-Offset

Caked Filament

Send for Repair, Not Fixable

Removing the Bed's Texture

All of these are direct effects of a Z-Offset being too low.

Let's look at how to Adjust the Z-Offset

You should have a file in your FabOne print control, "Y-Motor Z-Offset" to print with. After starting the print, you'll see the layers as the print starts and a menu on the screen should appear that says, "Z-Offset." If you don't see it, you'll need to select "Done" or "Back" until you are back to the main screen.

Z-Offset Button

Z-Offset Screen

Raise or lower the Z-Offset by -0.20mm, then select Done and Yes. Afterwards, the printer will change it's Z-Offset and you'll need to restart the print. Repeat this process until the layers look like they do in the video. You can change the Z-Offset during a print, however the print will have to be restarted after the first layer has been completed.

Let us know through FabOne if you have any questions.

Updated on: 18/12/2024

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